Laptop overheating Hardware maintenance/clearn

laptop cleaning, computer maintenance, hardware maintenance, fans loud noise, laptop fans clean

Laptop is very hot and loud noise Laptop is very hot and loud noise
Dust is inside laptop everywhere
Dust fully cover laptop cooling system air way cause overheating and fans noiseu
Dust also inside keyboard and some key stop working
laptop keyboard palmrest clearn
keyboard key clearn
cpu fans clearn
laptop motherboard clearn
Genuine CPU Thermal Compound Paste replace
All connectors clearn
After laptop base maintenance
Laptop screen top maintenance/ clean hinges dust
Tighten all the screws
oil lube hinges
Before an after maintenance
After maintenance
after maintenance
after maintenance

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0116 212 5330

Text: 07520635358

or contact us directly using our contact form.

Business hours

Monday - Saturday

12:00 to 16:00

Contact us

Encol Computer Centre

60A Queens Road



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